Sustainable Fixed Income
We offer clients the opportunity to invest in broadly diversified strategies across different maturities and categories and to thus gain differentiated exposure to fixed income risk factors and return drivers. In-depth ESG analysis is fully integrated into our investment process and we maintain a strong output-oriented sustainability focus.
USD 5.8bn
track record
What we do
Our global fixed income strategies aim to generate long-term sustainable returns in all market environments. Leveraging more than 18 years of experience and expertise, we focus on global aggregate, corporate credit and inflation-linked bonds to give our clients differentiated and diversified exposure to this asset class.
Target positive UN SDG impact with our sustainable fixed income solutions
Our actively managed sustainable strategies range from standard to customized solutions and are designed to meet our clients’ individual financial and sustainable objectives. ESG has been well integrated into our investment process since 2009. Over time, it has evolved to reach a holistic approach to sustainability, integrating all 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) to achieve measurable net positive impact. As such, our fixed income strategies are supporting the Paris Agreement to achieve net zero by 2050 or sooner.
Our approach – why partner with us
Our team of sustainable fixed income specialists uses a systematic investment approach to capture the opportunities offered by this asset class.
Team – an average of 18 years of industry experience
We follow a collaborative approach and have an exceptionally stable investment team that has worked together for over 10 years. The 17 professionals comprising our team are based in Pfaeffikon and Hong Kong.
Mark Rall
Dieter Gassner