Media coverage

Finanz und Wirtschaft features guest article by Felix Janssen on private credit

28 January 2025

Finanz und Wirtschaft has published its 2025 fund supplement, which includes a guest article by Felix Janssen, Partner at LGT Capital Partners, on the outlook for private credit. Felix emphasizes that the asset class has evolved from a niche strategy to a significant allocation for institutional investors, providing attractive risk-adjusted returns with reduced volatility and a diversification effect within the portfolio.

The private credit asset class has grown in complexity and volume in recent years. While the abundance of options initially appeared to be a positive development, the question that now arises from an investor perspective is how to manage the associated complexity in portfolio construction. We believe that a multi-strategy approach is well suited to this task, as it can provide a balanced portfolio that performs over different market cycles.

Read the full article in German here.