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Active ownership: LGT Capital Partners publishes 2023 report and webinar for sustainable equity and fixed income
LGT Capital Partners’ newly published Active Ownership Report 2023 provides insights into our engagement ambitions and outcomes in the areas of sustainable equity and fixed income. In the accompanying webinar, our investment professionals explain how our active ownership efforts have evolved and what will be of particular focus going forward.
Active ownership is a key component of LGT Capital Partners’ investment approach for sustainable equity and fixed income strategies. It represents one of four pillars in our holistic approach to ESG integration, alongside exclusions, integrating ESG factors, as well as measuring and impact.
Report with 2023 engagement metrics and case studies
- Extensive global engagements: Our sustainable equity and fixed income professionals conducted 110 engagements with 55 companies, spanning 18 countries.
- Geographical distribution: A significant portion of our engagements, 48%, were concentrated in the Americas, followed by 44% in Europe and 8% in Asia.
- Priority areas: Environmental concerns were the primary focus, constituting 53% of our engagements, in line with our five-year engagement theme of climate action. This was followed by governance-related issues at 22% and social matters at 16%. Engagements addressing multiple ESG aspects accounted for 9%.
- Engagement topics: Our engagements predominantly centered on climate action, water risks and biodiversity. 85% of engagements were linked to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
- Engagement classification: Over half of our engagements explicitly had the ambition to drive change with 55% of engagements being objective-oriented, 31% research-oriented and 13% reactive.
- Proxy voting: A fundamental aspect of our active ownership is the exercise of voting rights. In 2023, we participated in over 99% of meetings of our portfolio companies, voting on a total of 1,370 items. We stood up for our commitment to climate action and voted 100% in line with the Socially Responsible Investment Proxy Voting Guidelines provided by Institutional Shareholder Services.
Webinar with our sustainable equity and fixed income engagement experts
In the accompanying webinar, Adrian Doswald, Antje Panariello and Sally Rosengren, LGT Capital Partners’ sustainable equity and fixed income engagement specialists, provide further insights into our engagement selection and current challenges.